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文章作者:华政印务 发布时间:2021-08-10 58
Leaflet page contains a wide range of connotations. Compared with ordinary books, leaflet page design not only includes the design of cover and back cover, but also includes ring lining, title page, text layout and so on. Leaflet design pursues a sense of wholeness. For designers, they need to have a grip. From the format and font selection of leaflets to the change of contents and layout, from the arrangement of pictures to the setting of colors, from the selection of materials to the innovation of printing technology, we need to make overall consideration and planning, and then reasonably mobilize all design elements to organically integrate them and serve the connotation. After understanding the leaflet page, let's take a look at the production process of the leaflet page.
The first stage is the preliminary preparation stage: when we accept the client's entrustment to design an enterprise leaflet, we should first collect all kinds of information and reference data involved in the design. This includes: the analysis of the investigation and Research on the products, market and consumers of the publicity objects and the investigation data, as well as the design and production of enterprise identification trademarks, fonts, standard colors and other design technical materials that should be passed on.
The second is to determine the format size and sketch of the leaflet, through communication with enterprises. Determine the format and size of leaflets, the selection of printing materials, the number of printing, etc. Then it is outlined in the form of sketch.
The third point is the creative stage of the cover, back cover design leaflet cover, should have a strong sense of responsibility
Strong product personality and corporate image. The back cover is the end of the leaflet, and echoes with the front cover, forming a unified whole.
第四点则是创意阶段的内页编排内页与封面相比.相对较为柔和。内页一般运用现成的素材.进行连续设计,要有独特的个性,并以一定的艺术氛围来烘托主题,如果遇到图片比较多的便应该突出重 点,要避免杂乱无章,在创意的时候必须经常与客户交换意见,对草图进行一些修改和调整然后进行然后定稿通过。
The fourth point is the arrangement of the inner page in the creative stage. Compared with the cover, the inner page is relatively soft. The inside pages usually use ready-made materials. For continuous design, they should have unique personality and a certain artistic atmosphere to set off the theme. If there are more pictures, they should highlight the key points. In order to avoid chaos, they must often exchange opinions with customers when they are creative, make some modifications and adjustments to the sketch, and then make the final draft.
The latter is the technical production stage, which needs to be completed on the computer according to the final plan and printing requirements, and then printed.
The process of leaflet page is very important. A beautiful leaflet page needs a lot of things to pay attention to. Only by paying attention to these things can we make a good leaflet page.
Thank you for reading, hope the above content is helpful to you, if you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: Jinan leaflet printinghttps://www.sdhzyw.com.


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